Category: Our Work With Children

For the past seven years, the Anglophone regions of Cameroon have been hit by an armed conflict that saw the education system under attack. Indigenous...
Indigenous Games are an important tool in the preservation of the culture of a people. Unfortunately, these games are gradually becoming extinct. SHF is reviving...
Indigenous games tell stories of history, heritage and culture through the processes and songs. They encourage interactions and communication among players. Friendships are built, misunderstandings...
Indigenous games tell stories of history and culture through the processes and sounds. They encourage interaction and communication among players. They promote values of sports...
Experience the #IndigenousGames projects as described by the CEO of REGARTLESS formerly known as Sysy House of Fame in this alluring piece. Discover the intricacies...
Young girls are more likely not to return to school than boys, as some are left behind to fend for families, others prematurely married to...
Sexual violence, child marriage, lack of sex and reproduction education. Young girls in anglophone Cameroon face these and more with the ongoing crisis that gets...
Living in a community where cultural differences have become a source of conflict, the world Cultural Diversity day becomes an important day for the people...
Under this program, children draw, paint, craft and write about the future they dream of, the world they want, happiness, love and peace among other...
In the wake of the distress and misinformation surrounding the covid-19 pandemic were/are children who barely could/can filter fake information from good information. SHF is...
REGARTLESS formerly known as Sysy House of Fame celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child with Plan International: empowering young girls in taking leadership...
In an SDG Tour with children in the North West Region of Cameroon -Bamenda, the children who have been deprived from education for 3 years...
The "No School" policy implemented by the militant fighters in Anglophone Cameroon has seen most schools burnt down, children kidnapped and others even killed. SHF...
The children in Bamenda III are using drawing to advocate for environmental awareness. As children their idea of environmentally friendly world is illustrated in their...